Tools for Growing as a LifeGroup Leader - Life.Church Leaders

LifeGroup Leader Development

As you begin leading your LifeGroup, you’ll not only want to focus on the spiritual growth of the people in your group, but also on your own growth as a leader and follower of Christ.

When you commit to being a LifeGroup Leader, we hope that three things will happen:

  1. Your life will reflect Jesus’ life, and you’ll live how Jesus lived.
  2. You develop your self-awareness and leadership capacity.
  3. You thrive in your role for the long term.

With these outcomes in mind, here are three resources you can use to develop as a leader.

Your LifeGroups/LifeMissions Coach

As you’re getting started, you’ll be connected to a LifeGroups/LifeMissions (LGLM) Coach. Your Coach is someone who has experience leading their own LifeGroup and who also supports LifeGroup Leaders like you.

As you navigate the highs and lows of leading a LifeGroup, your Coach walk with you every step of the way. Their role is to provide support and encouragement to you, while also helping you identify areas in your life—spiritual, relational, emotional, etc.—where you’d like to grow. So don’t hesitate to share your experiences with them and ask questions as they arise. Your Coach will share valuable insights and help you grow as a leader.

The Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast

Pastor Craig has a podcast dedicated entirely to leadership development. Every episode is packed with personal, practical, and powerful advice to help us become even better leaders. Pastor Craig draws on his own experiences and also has conversations with other well-known leaders. After you listen, make sure you check out the Leader Guide for reflection questions and next steps.

Pro Tip: If there’s an episode you’re really interested in, share it with your Coach, and then talk about it together once you’ve both listened to it.

Development Tools

We believe personal growth is born out of self-awareness, so we use tools and assessments that help us understand our natural strengths and preferences. As your self-awareness increases, you’ll identify ways you can maximize the gifts God has placed within you.

Connect with your Coach if you’re interested in learning more about these research-backed tools.

Next Steps

As you dive into these resources and tools, make sure you’re talking with your Coach about the things you’re learning about yourself!

Here are a few questions to get the conversation rolling:

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