5 LifeGroup Leader FAQs - Life.Church Leaders

5 LifeGroup Leader FAQs

As you’re getting ready to lead a new LifeGroup, it’s possible that you have a lot of questions. Your LifeGroups/LifeMissions Coach is always your best resource for answering questions, but you’ll find answers to some of the most commonly-asked LifeGroup Leader questions below.

What content and resources are available?

It’s important to have a plan for what your LifeGroup is going to do when you’re together. One great first step when you’re planning is to pray and invite God into the planning process.

When you’re planning what type of resources you’ll use with your LifeGroup, remember that you’re a conversation facilitator, not a content teacher.

Here are a few types of resources you might use with your LifeGroup:

Remember, you don’t need to be a Bible scholar or know all the theology to be a great leader. Your responsibility is to create a space for people to have healthy conversations.

What if nobody shows up?

It might take some time for your LifeGroup to grow and have people consistently coming to each of your gatherings. That’s normal, and it’s not a reflection of who you are as a leader. There are so many LifeGroups that have had a slow and steady start but are now thriving.

As your LifeGroup gets started, think about some of the ways you can invite people to join you. Think about the people who you already interact with on a regular basis, like your coworkers or friends. Or consider people you see frequently at the gym, your favorite coffee shop, or even at church on the weekend. One of the best ways to grow your LifeGroup is by starting with the people you already know.

If your LifeGroup is open and public, people will also be able to find your group through the online LifeGroup Search tool. When someone shows interest in your group, you’ll receive an email with their contact information so you can follow up.

If my LifeGroup is open to kids, what will they do when we meet?

If you’re leading a LifeGroup that meets in person with kids, it’s helpful to have a conversation with your group to learn what childcare options might work best. Consider talking with another LifeGroup Leader who has kids in their group and learn what’s worked well for them. This is also a great conversation to have with your Coach, because they might have insight and ideas you wouldn’t otherwise know about.

There will probably be days when it feels crazy and chaotic having kids around while you’re trying to grow closer to everyone in your LifeGroup. But remember, you’re modeling the importance of community to a group of kids who may not have it modeled any other time. You’re showing them what it looks like to prioritize godly relationships and giving them the opportunity to have their own community, too.

What does LifeGroup look like if we primarily meet digitally?

Many of us use technology to stay in contact with the people around us. Your LifeGroup can connect in that same way using group text messages, video calls, social media platforms, and more.

These tools also make it easy to stay in contact with your LifeGroup outside of your regular meeting time. It could be as simple as asking for prayer requests, sharing a Bible verse, or doing a YouVersion Bible Plan together using the “Plans With Friends” feature.

What’s the best piece of advice for a new LifeGroup Leader?

We are better together. This applies to your LifeGroup, and it applies to you as a leader. God has given each of us special gifts, talents, and passions, and He gives us people who complement our unique qualities. So one of the best things you might do as a LifeGroup Leader is identify a co-leader.

A co-leader is someone who makes you even better as a leader because they bring new perspectives and talents to your LifeGroup. Together, you can share ideas for your LifeGroup, support each other in leading if one of you isn’t able to make it, pray for each other, share hosting and preparation responsibilities, and so much more.

It’s okay if you don’t have a co-leader yet. But ask God to reveal the right person to you at the right time. And when you do find that person, connect with your Coach.

Next Steps

Remember: You are helping others find God. And whoever finds God, finds life.

There’s a lot of information here, so make sure you’re having a conversation with your Coach about the next steps you’ll take to grow your LifeGroup.

Here are a few things you can talk about together:

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