So you’ve stepped out in faith. You’re making yourself available, being obedient, and you decided to start a LifeGroup. Now what? How do you get people to actually show up? We all want to believe the voice Kevin Costner hears in Field of Dreams, “If you build it, they will come.” In real life, that’s not always the case. If you want to fill your LifeGroup, you’re going to have to do more than just start it and name it. The good news is it can actually be pretty straightforward to find the right people for your LifeGroup.
Here are a few great ways to fill your LifeGroup.
Serve at the Info Wall. The absolute best way to find people for your LifeGroup is by being in the place where people are looking for a LifeGroup to join. If you attend Life.Church, that’s the Info Wall at your campus. Pastor Craig will often remind us of the importance of joining a LifeGroup, and when he does, the Info Wall is flooded with people looking for a group of people to call family. Just spend about 15 minutes before and 15 minutes after the service you attend at your campus’ Info Wall to connect with people and invite them to your group. For more info, just talk with your community leader or LifeGroups Pastor.
Who do you know? Your brother, the mailman, your barista at your favorite coffee shop, your neighbor across the street, the person at your gym doing curls in the squat rack—they all need community! Take a few minutes and list out three people you know who you could invite to your LifeGroup today. Then, do it! And don’t be discouraged if your group starts with only a few people. Jesus said when even two or three of us gather together in His name, He is with us.
Maybe you’re already serving in LifeKids or on the Host Team on the weekend. That’s awesome! Invite the people you serve with! One of our core values at Life.Church is “We will laugh loud, hard, and often! Nothing is more fun than serving God with people you love.” Why not take that fun you have on the weekend into your LifeGroup?
Don’t forget social media. The group fitness gym I work out at has several 30-day challenges throughout the year that include extra workouts and nutrition plans. but the reason I sign up for them is for the dedicated online community and accountability we have in our Facebook group. It makes me look forward even more to the time we have in person together working out. What social media groups are you a part of that might include people who’d love to join your LifeGroup?
Craig Groeschel
Talk about it! You ever notice what people do when people go to a great new restaurant or if they have a favorite sports team that fires them up? They talk about it! Pastor Craig says it so well: “We speak boldly about what we believe passionately.” Jesus has changed your life through the community you get to lead, so be bold and share every chance you get about your LifeGroup.
Don’t forget to pray, and never give up! Maybe you’re thinking about calling it quits because you’ve set out that bowl of chips, opened the door a few times, and no one has showed up. Go to God in prayer and ask Him to not only send you people, but to open your eyes and show you the people you’re supposed to invite. Then, go do it! In Galatians, the Apostle Paul reminds us not to get tired of doing a good thing. Eventually, it will work out.
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galations 6:9 NIV
God called you to lead community, and you have what it takes!