LifeGroup Resources for Jesus: The Bread of Life - Life.Church Leaders

LifeGroup Resources for Jesus: The Bread of Life

by Leaders.Life Team

At some point, we’ve all wondered—Can God provide? Does He really care? Can I really trust Him?

God proves Himself as the source of provision time and time again, and Pastor Amy will show us how this still applies to our lives today in the 2023 Sisters message.

Through the message, we’ll learn God doesn’t just meet our basic needs, but He does exceedingly and abundantly more than we could ever think, ask, or imagine. It may not always be in the way we ask or expect, but He is faithful to provide—and it will be everything we need.

We’ll also learn how we can remember and tell of His works while believing and trusting that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

This introduction to John 6 will set up your LifeGroup to keep the conversation going, and Pastor Amy has created resources to help you get started and grow deeper in your faith together.

Content for Your Sisters LifeGroup

 Jesus: The Bread of Life 4-Week Digital Bible Study

Pastor Amy wrote a 4-week digital Bible study, to help you go deeper through John 6. Each day contains Scripture, observation and reflection questions, and a prayer. She’ll challenge you to see yourself in this story and recognize how Jesus is still working miracles today. Be sure to follow along with the study using a notebook so you can reflect on each day’s teaching.

The Bread of Life 5-Week LifeGroup Video Study

This 5-week video study accompanies Pastor Amy’s Bible study. Discussion questions built into the videos will help your LifeGroup start talking about what you watched.

The first four weeks of content will provide context for each week’s theme and key idea. The fifth video wraps up the study and gives your LifeGroup some ideas for resources and next steps so you can continue growing together.

To get the most out of these videos, we encourage you to watch the video before starting each week’s study.

Bible Plans

Did you know you can do Bible Plans together as a LifeGroup? Once you’re ready to start a Plan, just choose the “Plans With Friends” option and share the link with your LifeGroup. Check out this article for some tips on how to leverage the Bible app.

One Plan you could start with is Trusting Jesus When Life Is Hard: A Study on John 6. Pastor Amy wrote this 7-day Plan to accompany her 2023 Sisters message. She’ll help you see the true miracle in the feeding of the 5,000 and how that miracle is still available to us today.

If you’d like to take a closer look at the Book of John, you can also go through Pastor Amy’s 25-day Bible Plan, Jesus Is Life. Be sure to check out this post to find tips and tricks for studying this Bible Plan with your LifeGroup.

More Videos and Studies

Pastor Amy Groeschel’s Sisters Bible studies, The PursuitThe Hope, and The Call : This three-part series will inspire, encourage, and challenge you. Plus, it comes complete with digital leader guides and digital participation guides for your whole group. Each study is four weeks, giving your group plenty to discuss.

Watch more Sisters content and find other LifeGroup series at


5 Sisters LifeGroup Tips

  1. Watch the 2023 Sisters message with your LifeGroup:
  2. Be vulnerable. Fight the temptation to have surface-level conversations and really share about what’s going on in your life. Talk about what parts of the message or study convicted you, and share encouragement with one another.
  3. We have tons of great articles for your LifeGroup to talk about together. Simply visit and search “Sisters” for the most recent articles.
  4. Consider taking Communion together as a LifeGroup. In the New Testament, Jesus modeled this practice for His disciples during the Last Supper. If you’re not sure where or how to start, check out this resource.
  5. As your LifeGroup continues to gather, grow, and go together, make it a priority to schedule fun into your time. Maybe you can grab lunch or coffee together after church, host a game night, or go for a walk at a local park. Be intentional to create time to just be together.

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