Maybe you’re like me, and you’ve done the same thing for a number of weeks in your LifeGroup, only to find enthusiasm dwindle week by week. Sometimes, switching it up is the key to keeping in touch with the amazing people God’s placed in your group.
7 LifeGroup Ideas Every Leader Should Try, Like, Soon
- Communion
This is a fantastic way to have an intimate, spiritually charged, worshipful moment with your folks. Read the communion story with your group out of Matthew 26:26-29, share some bread and grape juice around the circle, and pray. - Night of Prayer
Okay, maybe you don’t meet at night, but dedicating a meeting to unified prayer is a powerful way to strengthen your group dynamic. Put together a list of things to pray for—or just wing it. It’s a great way to come together with a special opportunity for everyone to grow in how they pray. - Fun Night
It’s amazing how much a night of fun can impact the dynamic of your LifeGroup. Pick a shared interest that fits everyone’s budget. From board games to bowling nights, there are ample ways you can build rapport with your group that will change how you interact during more study-focused meetings. - Change of Scenery
Meeting in a new spot occasionally isn’t just an old trick for school teachers. It works great for LifeGroups, too! Do your research. Outside, other people’s homes, and coffee shops are all great ways to boost engagement. - Increase the Ownership
Guess what! The LifeGroup leader does not always have to prepare and lead the conversation! Your group may have folks who’d be excited and honored to facilitate a night or even stay on a rotation. You can also create opportunity for folks to grow by facilitating a night for the first time on their own. Who knows—it might even inspire some new LifeGroup leaders to step up to the plate. - Separate
Sometimes separating into groups of just men and just women can spark deeper, more honest conversation that you wouldn’t experience as a combined group. Maybe you’re already a men’s or women’s group. What if you broke into smaller groups? Give it a shot and see what God does! - Share Something Vulnerable
A conversation is usually more engaging if there’s a high level of shared trust between the participants. When you lead the way by sharing vulnerable life situations you’re experiencing, this allows folks in your LifeGroup to feel empowered to do the same.