Following Jesus is one of the most exciting choices we can make in life. But making that choice can also bring up lots of questions. Who is Jesus? What does it mean to follow Him? How do prayer and worship work? Is the Bible really trustworthy?
If questions like these have ever crossed your mind, you’re not alone. Christians have been thinking and praying about these questions for thousands of years. There’s a lot of depth to explore when it comes to faith—and answers can take a lifetime to come by.
But the good news is, no one is expecting you to figure out the answers all at once. Instead, you can take your time learning the basics and build on that foundation over time. And that’s why we’ve created the Basics of Faith video series—short episodes dedicated to discussing common questions Christians ask.
During season one, we answer questions like:
- What does it mean to follow Jesus?
- How do we talk to God?
- What is worship?
- How do we read the Bible?
- Why do we need community?
- Why is rest so important?
Your LifeGroup can use these episodes and their Conversation Guides as a jumping-off point for your time together. You’ll be equipped to discuss the foundations of following Jesus and how you can make use of spiritual practices to grow in your faith and support one another as a community.
Here’s how to use this content in your LifeGroup:
- Watch an episode together during your LifeGroup (or individually before you meet, if you prefer).
- Use the Conversation Guide to discuss the episode. Once you’ve talked about the episode, find a next step to take, either individually or as a LifeGroup.
- Repeat with the next episode the following week.
That’s it! You can find all of the episodes on the Life.Church YouTube channel.
Get the Conversation Guides
Click the links below to download the Conversation Guides for all six episodes: