3 Easy Ways to Grow Your LifeGroup - Life.Church Leaders

3 Easy Ways to Grow Your LifeGroup

by Leaders.Life Team

You tell people about the things you’re excited about—a new TV show, the latest blockbuster, or a restaurant that opened down the street. As a LifeGroup Leader, you’ll be just as excited about your new group. So as you’re getting started, here are three easy things you can do to start growing your LifeGroup.

1. Be intentional with your time at church. One of the easiest ways to invite people to your LifeGroup is by inviting people you meet at church. If you attend a physical location, spend some time at the Info Wall. As people come up to the wall looking for community, ask questions to see if your LifeGroup would be a good fit.

If you’re attending Life.Church Online, keep an eye on the live chat. You might see people who are asking questions about finding community, and your LifeGroup might be an answer to their prayers.

Here are a few questions you might ask:

2. Encourage people in your LifeGroup to invite others. If you already have a core group of people who are attending your LifeGroup regularly, encourage them to bring one friend the next time you meet. You might want to host a hang out—like a BBQ, movie night, or game day. This is a great way to invite people who may not otherwise have Christ-centered community. Plus, this gathering could lead to LifeGroup growth.

3. Leverage social media. Our social media platforms are a great place to share about your new LifeGroup. Not only will you be able to share with your friends online, but they’ll have the option to share it with their circle of friends, too.

As you get ready to post, consider what you want people to know about your LifeGroup. Do you meet over a shared hobby? Are you going through a book study? Are you creating a space for people to find their people?

These are some of the questions people might have when they see your post, so consider sharing those details in your caption or on your stories.

Here are a few resources—including interactive stories and Scriptures about community—that were created just for you:

As your group begins to grow, consider sharing a picture of your LifeGroup meeting so that other people can learn about your group that way. You can also find fun LifeGroup gifs to add to your social media stories. Just search “LifeGroups,” find the gif you want, and share it with your friends.

To find even more ways to grow your LifeGroup, talk with your Community Leader. They’ll have personal experience to share that might be exactly what you need to get your LifeGroup growing!

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