No Offense - Life.Church Leaders

No Offense

by Leaders.Life Team

No Offense for Your LifeGroup

From the latest headline to social media comments—there are plenty of opportunities to be offended each day. But what if we decided to respond differently to those around us? Together, let’s learn how to live with No Offense.

Get everything you need to prepare for your LifeGroup during this special message series running September 18-October 17.

Talk It Over

The weekly Talk It Over guide has everything you need to lead your LifeGroup through a Christ-centered conversation about the most recent message. You can find it in the Life.Church App and at Or, maybe you just want to get it in your inbox weekly.

No Offense Bible Plan

It’s easy to find reasons to be offended—just look at some recent headlines or social media comments. However, being offended is a choice that we don’t have to make. Start the No Offense Bible Plan as a LifeGroup to learn more. Just find the Bible Plan, choose the “With Friends” option, and then invite everyone in your LifeGroup to read along and comment each day.

No Offense LifeGroup Tips

  1. It’s hard to be divided and offended when you’re united in Christ. Challenge your group to go through Bible Plans together using the Plans With Friends feature during each week of this series. Start with the No Offense Bible Plan, then choose new Plans based on the conversations you have. Bonus points if you ask others in your group to pick out Plans!
  2. As fall begins to settle in, pick a weekend for your LifeGroup to get together at a park or some other outdoor venue to enjoy one another’s company. If parks aren’t your thing, consider a cookout or bonfire!
  3. Send this episode of the You’ve Heard It Said podcast to your group in a group chat. Then use this discussion guide to talk about what you heard.
  4. When you gather a group of unique people, different views and opinions are inevitable. We have tons of resources to help you lead through conflict, tricky topics, politics, and more at
  5. Here’s a great question to think about and then share with your group: How would your life look different if you were unoffendable?

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