How to Celebrate Christmas as a LifeGroup - Life.Church Leaders

How to Celebrate Christmas as a LifeGroup

by Leaders.Life Team

By: Jasmyn Stamper

How much fun it’s gonna be together
This Christmas
The fireside is blazing bright, woah-oh-oh
We’re caroling through the night, woah-oh-oh
This Christmas will be

A very special time for you and your LifeGroup!

13 Things to Do with Your LifeGroup This Christmas:

  1. Jingle bells! Have fun caroling.You and your group can take treats and Life.Church invites around as you bless your neighbors with some tunes. Note: if none of you are particularly gifted vocally, maybe just opt for treats and invites.
  2. O Holy Night, it is the day of our dear Savior’s birth. Read the Christmas story! YouVersion has a great audio feature where you all can listen to Luke 2 together. Or you can go around the circle and read it together verse by verse.
  3. Dreaming of a White Christmas? Go ice-skating or make snowmen. Whether you go to a rink or go into your backyard, just doing a fun activity that gets you all moving can be fun!
  4. Stay in and watch a Christmas movie together. If you know you and your group would prefer to stay warm, have a Christmas-themed movie night together. Consider spicing it up with some hot chocolate, candy canes, or other Christmas-themed goodies!
  5. Good tidings we bring. Decorate and craft holiday cards. Get some construction paper, stock paper, or printer paper, and as a group, decorate Christmas cards. Bonus points if you include some Life.Church invites and give them to your neighbors!
  6. All is calm. All is bright. Go see some Christmas lights. Some people are so talented and/or competitive, and they decorate their houses like bosses. Go walk around your neighborhood or drive somewhere in town where there’s great Christmas lights, and enjoy the decorations.
  7. There’ll be parties for hosting, marshmallows roasting … Roast some marshmallows or chestnuts over a fire.
  8. Fa la la la la. LOL with an Ugly Sweater Contest. On the regular evening that you meet, have an ugly sweater party or contest. Crown the winner with a wreath.
  9. Christmas time is here, happiness and cheer. Have a gift exchange. Secret Santa and White Elephant parties are always fun. Take a little time to do an exchange at one of your meetings. Or even take the whole evening to just enjoy giving gifts.
  10. The gingerbread man! The gingerbread man can make an appearance at your LifeGroup. Have a decoration competition or just a relaxing decorating time with some gingerbread. You can have gingerbread men/cookies, or even a big gingerbread house you all tackle together.
  11. Bring us pudding. And a cup of good cheer. Have a Christmas-inspired dinner/potluck. Food is a central part of the holidays. You and your LifeGroup can just get together, eat, and enjoy a low-key Christmas dinner.
  12. On the twelfth day of Christmas, guess what your LifeGroup did? Volunteered. You can all go serve together over the weekend at a campus. Or you guys can go serve with one of our local mission partners.
  13. Just have a regular meeting. The holidays can be overwhelming whether you’re super into them or if they make you feel too many feels. Having a normal meeting could be a welcome reprieve for lots of people.

Honestly, just be together and be intentional about making time for your LifeGroup in the busy holiday season. One of the best parts of the Christmas (besides Jesus coming into our sin-filled world to save us) is getting to spend time with the people who matter most in your life.

Merry Christmas!

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