Experience Standards - Life.Church Leaders

Experience Standards

The Loop experience standards are designed to help volunteer leaders understand the purpose and the intent of each segment of The Loop experience.

The Four Objectives of the Loop Experience

1. Fun: Is it fun? If so, students will be back. If not, they will be in the auditorium or somewhere else.

2. Discovery: What can I learn about me? Students are discovering who they are, who God is, what they believe, what they think about family, etc. We get to go on this journey with them.

3. Relationships: Does someone care about me? If you care, students will share. The more accepting you are, the more a Loop student will open up and allow you to influence his or her life.

4. Jesus: Who is Jesus and what does He mean to me? This is the key. How can we help students have fun, discover Christ, and grow in a relationship Him? Every week, we give students an opportunity to take the next step in their relationship with Jesus Christ.

The Loop Segments

Leader Huddle

The leader huddle allows leaders to intentionally connect and communicate with other leaders. The huddle is designed to inspire, inform, and encourage leaders before the experience. Leader Huddle Expectations:


The time before the experience is designed to be relational and allow students to hang out with friends and leaders, while creating an environment that will help guests feel comfortable in a new setting. Pre-Experience Expectations:


The worship segment is designed to teach students what worship is, model how to worship, and give them the opportunity to worship through singing. Worship Expectations:

Games and Interactive Elements

Games and interactive elements are designed to create fun, excitement, and energy in the experience. Games are also used as a way to break down barriers for those who may have preconceived ideas about church. Game and Interactive Element Expectations:

Small Groups (Loop Groups)

Loop Groups are the most important thing we do in The Loop. Loop Groups are designed for relationships and connection. We want students to connect with other students, their leader, and with Jesus. Small Group (Loop Group) Expectations:


The Emcee is the point person for The Loop experience and oversees all aspects of the programming. Emcee Expectations:

The Loop Message

In the Loop, we use both video and live teaching to help 5th and 6th grade students learn the truth of God’s Word in a way that directly applies to their lives. Loop Message Expectations:


The Loop team will follow up with first-time guests, students who make a decision for Christ, and regular attenders through email, social media, postcards, or other forms of communication. Follow-Up Expectations