Roots: Weeks 13-16 - Life.Church Leaders

Roots: Weeks 13-16

Parent Blurbs

Parent Blurb Week 13

This week we talked about how we are created in the image of God and what that means. Ask your child how they think they are created in the image of God and help them come up with some practical ways they can live out the image of God in their lives.

Parent Blurb Week 14

This week in Roots we talked about how God created us all with a purpose, and that no one’s purpose is exactly like someone else’s. We talked about how purpose isn’t just for grown-ups but that God has a purpose for your child right now. Help your child think through what some of their purpose in life could be right now and encourage them to think of practical steps they can take to live out that purpose.

Parent Blurb Week 15

This week in Roots we talked about how your child has incredible worth and value that is defined by God. People will hurt us and let us down but that doesn’t take away the worth and value we have in God. This week sit down with your child and help them come up with a list of ways they know they are valuable. Have them put that list somewhere that they will see it often and be reminded of the value they have in God.

Parent Blurb Week 16

This week we talked about body image. Kids today are pressured and influenced by the media to feel like they should look a certain way. The Bible says that man looks at the outward appearance but God sees the heart. We encouraged students to stop “judging books by their cover.” We also challenged them not to be defined by what they look like but rather by who God has made them to be. Talk with your child this week about ways they may “judge books by their cover,” and also help them discover who God has made them to be.


Click on the links below to download Roots Weeks 13-16 Resources.

Experience Guide Week 13

Experience Guide Week 14

Experience Guide Week 15

Experience Guide Week 16


Week 13 Videos

Week 14 Videos

Week 15 Videos

Week 16 Videos