Know The Series
Your thoughts can hold you back, push you down, and feed you lies. But they can also lift you up! Is it time for you to change the way you’re thinking? Start with something simple—let’s find some Words to Live By.
From December 31 through January 2, Craig will show you how and why to start the one discipline that has changed his life.
Find Your Words to Live By
In 2016, Pastor Craig wrote down some spiritual truths to read every day. These truths helped lead him to one of his best years yet. Why? He said it comes back to starting his day with what he calls his Words to Live By. Here is everything you need to lead your group to find their own Words to Live By (live on 12/31/2016.)
Talk It Over
These questions will help you lead people to discover the negative thoughts that hold them back and replace them with powerful, positive, and Biblical truths. Take a look at Or, get the Talk It Over emailed to you weekly.
Start the Bible Plan
Some of our strongest LifeGroups read Bible Plans together (but separately) throughout the week. The Words to Live By Bible Plan has videos from Pastor Craig to give everyone in your group the simple, three-step plan for finding their own Words to Live By. If you’ve never done a Bible Plan as a group, start with this one (live on 12/31/2016.)
The 1-2-3 for Words to Live By
- Listen to the message at your campus or catch up here.
- Visit to find Craig’s Words to Live By, more examples, and instructions for creating your own.
- Get together to discuss the message, challenge your group to start the Bible Plan, and create their own Words to Live By.