Words That Calm, Soothe, or Redirect Upset Kids - Life.Church Leaders

Words That Calm, Soothe, or Redirect Upset Kids

by Leaders.Life Team

“Stop it!” “No!” “I said stop screaming!” These are, um, not exactly words that will calm and soothe anxious or upset kids. So, why do we sometimes find ourselves in an endless loop of “no, stop it” when we’re working with kids—even kids whom we know have special needs or disabilities?

Because we’re human. Because we might be frustrated with a behavior we don’t understand. And, too often, it’s because we don’t have a good script ready to use when we do get a little perplexed or frustrated.

Words are powerful. Use them powerfully to bring peace to stressed-out kids.

But have no fear, Buddy! We’ve got some scripts for you to put to good use. Read these, learn them, and have them ready the next time a child is demonstrating a challenging behavior. Your words are powerful. Use them powerfully to bring peace to stressed-out kids. These phrases will help you remember what you can do to help. They’ll guide your actions. They’ll help a child understand that you’re there to help guide them, that you’re really their Buddy.

Here’s a great Say This, Not That List for you to use next time you’re just not sure what to say to help calm, soothe, or redirect a child!

Final note: Remember to keep a neutral face and calm, encouraging tone. The “Say This” phrases will work infinitely better when they’re spoken with love and kindness.

What do you think? Any other phrases you find yourself saying often? Share what’s working with a Buddy or LifeKids staff member you know!