Know The Series
Do you do this? This opens doors and solves problems. This inspires others to do this, too—it’s the good kind of contagious. When they tell our life stories, we want them to put this at the top. We are hardwired for this. Generosity and giving are fundamental parts of who we are as the Church and as Christians—because of what God did for us, This Is What We Do. This series runs from March 25th through April 10th.
Talk It Over
Generosity isn’t only about money. You give your time, maybe your home, and your heart to your LifeGroup. Thank you! We want to give you something. Each week of this series we’ll write a discussion guide called Talk It Over with everything you need to lead your group in a healthy conversation. Take a look each week at Or, get the Talk It Over emailed to you weekly.
Something Extra for Your Group
Want more great teaching inspired by Pastor Craig’s messages? Wondering what else the Bible has to say about living a giving life? We made a Bible Plan for your group to read together. Just ask your group to read two days each week. When you get together, you’ll see how this takes your conversation to a whole new level. Start the This Is What We Do Bible Plan and share it with your group!
Five Easy Ideas for Your LifeGroup
- Go through the Bible Plan together. Just about two days a week during the series will do it.
- Give your group something. What if you gave everyone in your group a small gift and asked them to consider paying it forward.
- Share a post from Amy Groeschel and many other great writers from our church will share their thoughts and stories about generosity during this series.
- Plan your generosity. Decide now how you can become more generous in your lifestyle. Come to LifeGroup prepared to lead through example.
- Collect your stories. Think about times in your life when generosity somehow changed you. Plan on sharing with your group.