Know The Series
No matter how much we want one, there’s no blueprint for a perfect life. Feel like you’ve hit a wall? Don’t be discouraged. Maybe it’s just a part of what God wants to help you rebuild. The Time Is Now to lay the first brick on a new foundation. What better people to rebuild with than friends who grow, laugh, and serve together?
Craig will talk about these themes:
• How Haggai’s rally to rebuild God’s temple applies to us today
• How to carry out God’s commands without delay
• How to put God’s interests in front of ours
Talk It Over
You don’t have to lead the discussion alone! We’ll write a brand new, mobile-friendly discussion guide called Talk It Over based on each week’s The Time Is Now message at Each week, you can pick and choose the perfect conversation starters and discussion questions for your group.
The Time Is Now Bible Plan
Use the Bible App to read through the short book of Haggai together with your group and our church. Each day will include a portion of Haggai and a simple thought from the series. Start the plan today.
Your LifeGroup
Whether your group started as a discussion group during the Stay Positive series or you’ve been together for years, it’s always a good time to lay new foundations. The Time Is Now is all about refocusing our attention to lay a foundation for God’s work in your lives today! The relationships in your group are integral to the work God is doing through this series. Go deeper together by setting apart time each week to pray with each other about the new ways you’re carrying out God’s plans. Check out the Talk It Over guide for sample prayers.
Be Social
We want to see your group in action! Share photos from your time together on social media with #mylifegroup and #lcthetimeisnow. Then, watch Life.Church social media for your fine looking faces! Also, use the tweet below to invite friends and family to join you.
Series promos, message excerpts, and more are available at the Life.Church YouTube Channel.
Series Outline
Discover how God’s command to the Jews to rebuild His temple is full of hope and instruction for our lives today.
Week 1: The Hard Right
Week 2: Persevering Through Discouragement
Week 3: TBD