Parent Blurbs
Parent Blurb Week 17
This week we talked about the fact that everyone deals with some sort of insecurity. When we compare our weaknesses with others’ strengths we will always come up short. It is so important that we get our security from God alone. This week, talk with your child about some of the areas they feel like they struggle with being insecure. Help them identify what becoming secure in those areas would look like.
Parent Blurb Week 18
This week at Roots we talked about how we all have wants. The important thing to remember is to align our wants with what God wants for us. This week, talk with your child about some of the things they know God wants for them in their lives. Help them to discover ways to live those out.
Parent Blurb Week 19
This week we talked about what discernment is. Discernment is the ability to uncover truth and determine right from wrong. God gives us the ability to be able to know what is right and wrong as well as know what is true. Talk with your child about things they believe to be true about God. Allow them to ask any questions about God that they are unsure of. If you don’t know the answer, be comfortable with telling them that you don’t know but you will find out for them. Then be sure to ask someone who may know the answer–like a pastor or church staff member.
Parent Blurb Week 20
This week we talked about how life will get hard at some points, but that God won’t give us more than we can handle. When we feel like we can’t handle it all, He will give us the strength to get through those hard times. Talk with your child about how God has helped them through hard things in their life already. Let them know that you are there for them no matter what hard times they face in life. Remind them that they will always have God to help them get through anything they might have to go through.
Click on the links below to download Roots Weeks 17-20 Resources.
Week 17 Videos
Week 18 Videos
Week 19 Videos
Week 20 Videos