Pre-Experience: Having Fun in the Chaos! - Life.Church Leaders

Pre-Experience: Having Fun in the Chaos!

by Amber Siany

Okay, okay. “Chaos” is definitely an exaggeration. The hustle and bustle of the pre-experience is an energizing and vibrant social scene, but for some students, it’s also an intimidating, stressful, and potentially overwhelming experience. To some, it can feel more frenzied than fun. But not on your watch! In time, you’ll be able to help your student find the fun.

Be flexible. Be aware that the pre-experience may represent the most troubling time for students who are dealing with anxiety. Offer breaks as much as needed. See if you can help your student to branch out and interact with their peers as much as possible. Consider every minute you’re able to keep your student engaged in the pre-experience as a win!

Ready for some tips? Use the strategies below to help your student feel less stress and participate well in the pre-experience social setting.

Prepare Your Student Before Switch Begins

Help Your Student Feel Included

Offer Sensory Support

With your flexible attitude and caring help, your student will find their place amongst their peers. They’ll stop cringing at “chaos” and will start feeling the fun!