Series Overview
Do you ever wonder #whywepray? Prayers aren’t empty words hurled at the sky. They’re conversations—in fact, they’re the most important conversations of our lives. Find out just how much it matters when you Pray.
Talk It Over
Our weekly Talk It Over guide is now available at! Each week, you can lead a great discussion right from your computer or mobile device. Plus, your group can easily follow along from their devices. Prefer a printed version? You can print right from the site.
Pray Reading Plan
Real quick, subscribe to this YouVersion Reading plan on your mobile device or desktop. Thanks! We created the plan you just subscribed to as a follow-along inspiration for you and your LifeGroup throughout each week during the Pray series. This plan lets your LifeGroup listen in on prayers from Bible heroes and equips you with practical ways to pray with power. Invite your friends and family to engage with the plan during the week and come to LifeGroup ready to share their mind-blown moments.
Your LifeGroup
To pray is to initiate a conversation with the Creator of the entire universe. Read that again, and let it sink in for real this time. Prayer has, does, and will transform things, nations, and people. This series is the perfect moment to change the way your LifeGroup prays together. If your LifeGroup doesn’t pray together, now is the perfect time to start. If you pray together but it doesn’t seem to go anywhere, use this series to step up your boldness. If you have powerful prayer times together, now is the time to extend prayer into your week. How will you lead your LifeGroup to have powerful talks with God?
Be Social
Use social media to stay connected and pray with people in your LifeGroup throughout the week during this series. Also, do you know someone who always over shares on social media? Consider their posts to be prayer requests, and add them to your prayer time. As usual, keep sharing your classic LifeGroup moments with #mylifegroup.
Series promos, message excerpts, and more are available at the Life.Church YouTube Channel.
Series Outline
Pray will focus on Paul’s prayers for the early church and the “so that” statements he used when he prayed. Paul did not just speak out meaningless words, he prayed “so that” lives would change!
Week 1: Strengthened With Power
Ephesians 3:14-20
Week 2: Actively Share Your Faith
Philemon 4:7
Week 3: Unity
Romans 15:5-7
Week 4: How Do I Know What’s Best?
Philippians 1:3-10