Overcomer - Life.Church Leaders


by admin

Know The Series

Stare down your fears, shatter your insecurities, and shake off the apathy that tries to hold you back. You’re not a prisoner—you’re an Overcomer. Help your LifeGroup tear off the labels the world tries to pile on during this new series running May 13 through June 5.

Talk It Over

It’s not easy to talk about how we compare ourselves, fear the worst, and give up when it gets hard. But, it’s amazing how much better your life gets when you have these conversations. Don’t worry—you’re not on your own. Each week of Overcomer, we’ll write a discussion guide called Talk It Over with everything you need to lead your LifeGroup. Go take a look at www.life.church/talkitover. Or, get the Talk It Over emailed to you weekly.

Overcomer Bible Plan

The Bible has a few things to say about being an overcomer. Namely, you are more than an overcomer because of Christ who overcame the world. Need more of that that kind of truth in your life? Want to know more about why and how you’re an overcomer? Start this Bible Plan with your LifeGroup, and stay in the truth of this series all week long.

Five Easy Ideas for Your LifeGroup

  1. Read through the Overcomer Bible Plan together. Consider stretching the plan throughout the series by reminding your group to just read a day or two each week.
  2. Ask yourself, “What have I overcome?” Then ask, “How did I overcome this?” Use your story to start conversation in your LifeGroup.
  3. Find something about overcoming at finds.life.church to text or email to your LifeGroup each week. Try this a few days before or after you meet.
  4. Go on a bike ride, walk, or hike together one week.
  5. Ask a different person or couple to share what they’ve overcome each week. Give your group a heads up about this series so they can think about their story.

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