Making Change - Life.Church Leaders

Making Change

by admin

Know The Series

So many of our most stressful moments come back to finances, right? So much so that most of us probably cringe at the idea of talking about finances. But financial freedom doesn’t happen without a plan. In the Making Change messages, Craig will hit hard on four easy-to-remember thoughts to help people find financial freedom today and tomorrow.

From September 10 through October 2, Craig will cover these four ideas.

1. Less is more. (Live below your means.)

2. Stress is bad. (Get rid of debt.)

3. Giving is good. (Tithe and be generous with others.)

4. Tomorrow matters. (Invest wisely.)

Talk It Over

Many of our LifeGroups are going through Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University together. If you’d like to lead your LifeGroup through this, it’s nine weeks, incredibly powerful, and leaders get a free leader kit! Just talk with someone at your campus right away. If your group isn’t quite ready for the full course, we’ll continue to provide the Talk It Over guide. Just pick and choose the right questions, Scriptures, and actions for your group’s conversation. Go take a look at Or, get the Talk It Over emailed to you weekly.

Read this Bible Plan Together

Financial expert and friend of Life.Church, Dave Ramsey, pulled some of the most helpful financial Proverbs together into a Bible Plan. It’s a perfect plan to go through together with your LifeGroup during Making Change. It’s only 10 days, so it’ll be easy to finish in four weeks. And like everything on YouVersion, it’s free-fifty-free. Here you go.

You’ve Got This

Remember when Craig recently talked about choosing the important over the urgent? This is living that out. We don’t want our lives to be ruled by money—not by the desire to get more or freak-out moments of not having enough. So, we’re talking about how to be good caretakers of what we’ve been given.

Whether you’re going through Financial Peace University, or using the Talk It Over guide, you’ve got this. You don’t have to be a financial pro to ask some questions and seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance as a group. Thanks for leading people to freedom!

Be Inviting

Everyone will have a takeaway from these messages. Everyone will be inspired and equipped to start making changes. Invite someone you know who’s interested in getting their finances sorted out. If you’re leading a Financial Peace group, invite them there too.


Series promos, message excerpts, and more are available at the Life.Church YouTube Channel.

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