Series Overview
Seven billion people occupy this tiny slice of history. And it’s not by accident. God chose our generation to make a difference – but He doesn’t want us to do it alone. Find out how in #Jesusandwe.
Talk It Over
Our weekly Talk It Over guide is now available at! Each week, you can lead a great discussion right from your computer or mobile device. Plus, your group can easily follow along from their device. Prefer a printed version? You can print right from the site.
Be Social
Billions of people use social media each day. You are leading people in life – does your social media presence also show people the way? #Jesusandwe is the perfect series to amp up your social media leadership. Invite friends to LifeGroups, share tidbits that inspire you, and be a light in the dark. Also, remember to share those classic LifeGroup moments using #mylifegroup.
Series promos, message excerpts, and more are available at the YouTube Channel.