When you’re caring for a baby, you’re setting the stage for the relationship the parents and child will have with LifeKids for the next 11-12 years! That may sound a little overwhelming, but there are simple ways you can lay the foundation that LifeKids is a safe, nurturing environment where kids are known and loved. Watch this video and read below for tips!
Be intentional.
Don’t just let drop off and pick up happen. Look for ways you can take charge to put parents at ease and comfort kids. Here are some ways to get started.
- Greet parents at the door immediately.
- Be positive. Show you’re excited to see families and to take care of their little one.
- Ask parents if their baby will need to be fed, will need a nap, or what they’d like you to do if their child is crying. There are spots on the sign-in sheet for some of that, but you can make it more personal!
- Offer to text parents an update if they’re apprehensive or unsure about dropping their baby off.
- Take the time to change every diaper and let parents know their diaper was changed. If you have any kids—you know you’ve got to know about all the diaper business!
- Think of something positive and specific to tell parents about their baby when they come to pick them up. Let them know which toy they loved playing with, if they have a new friend in class, what absolutely adorable thing they did, or if they have a favorite song or Bible story from the video.
When you attend to all of those details, you’re letting kids know LifeKids isn’t just babysitting. We are leading kids with love, consistency, and excellence so they can grow to know and trust in the love of Jesus as they grow.
Talk through these discussion questions with your fellow leaders and LifeKids team to see what you can do to uniquely improve the impact you and your baby room can have on babies and families.
- What are you already doing well to connect with parents and families?
- What do you think you can do better to put parents at ease and let them know their baby is known and loved?
- What are some other things you’re intentional about each week that you think make a difference?
- What challenges do you have in connecting with parents, putting them at ease, or transitioning babies to the room?
- What advice do others have that can help you work through the challenges?