I Choose - Life.Church Leaders

I Choose

by admin

Know The Series

We can’t choose what happens to us, but we can choose how we respond. I Choose will discuss four big choices many of us don’t know we’re making. It’s tempting to run after quick behavioral tweaks, but these four choices promise bold and lasting results. Craig will focus on these four choices.

1. Purpose Over Popularity

2. Surrender Over Control

3. Discipline Over Regret

4. Important Over the Urgent

Talk It Over

The most incredible thing about your LifeGroup is not that you have a book, video study, or Talk It Over guide to go through each week. It’s that you’re together, challenging each other with God’s Word and His work in your lives. The Talk It Over guide is designed to get out of the way by empowering you to ask the right questions to spark conversation that leads to spiritual change. Each week, we’ll provide your group with plenty of discussion questions and scriptures biblical references at lifechurch.tv/talkitover. Pick and choose the right questions for your group. Or, sign up today to get the Talk It Over emailed to you weekly.

Read the I Choose Bible Plan Together

Do you ever feel like you’re trapped inside a choose-your-own-adventure book with someone else doing the choosing? Moms are right. Our choices actually do matter—a lot. This Life.Church Bible Plan accompanies Craig Groeschel’s messages into some of the most powerful choices anyone can make. Maybe we can’t always pick our own adventures, but we can choose purpose, prayer, surrender, discipline, love, and importance. Start it today.

You’ve Got This

On our side of the equator, summer is winding down. If your LifeGroup has kids, they’re probably either back in school (or almost). This time of year can be both exhilarating and depressing. For some, it feels like a fresh start. For others, it feels like a reminder that the year is more than halfway over and not much has changed. Either way, your LifeGroup is a safe place for people to share those feelings.

The nature of this series will cause people to see a part of their lives where they want their choices to be different. You can help others by leading with your own vulnerability. Also, it’s a perfect time to hone your strength of leading conversations that help people to grow spiritually. If you haven’t yet, check out the free Conversations e-book.

Be Inviting

Have you invited someone new to church or your LifeGroup lately? Has anyone in your group invited anyone lately? Have a conversation about it this week. Sometimes it helps to invite people somewhere else first, like to your home for a family meal, for a run, to coffee, to the park, or to check out Church Online. Start somewhere, and invite people into the hope you have in Christ.


Series promos, message excerpts, and more are available at the Life.Church YouTube Channel.

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