Greater Reward - Life.Church Leaders

Greater Reward

by Amber Siany

Greater Reward for Your LifeGroup

The path to success is paved with discipline. This is true of all aspects of our lives, including our faith. No one stops sinning by accident. To live our lives to the fullness that God wants for us, we must choose to do the things that lead us there. It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it.

Get everything you need to prepare for your LifeGroup during this special message series running January 16-31.

Talk It Over

The weekly Talk It Over guide has everything you need to lead your LifeGroup through a Christ-centered conversation about the most recent message. You can find it in the Life.Church App and at Or, you could get it in your inbox weekly.

Greater Reward Bible Plan

Interested in learning more about the disciplines we can embrace to become fully devoted followers of Christ? Then check out the Greater Reward Bible Plan. Just use the Plans With Friends feature to invite your LifeGroup to read the Plan together.

Greater Reward LifeGroup Tips

  1. Spiritual disciplines like prayer, fasting, silence, Sabbath, and solitude are helpful for centering your life on Jesus. Ask your group which spiritual disciplines they’d like to grow into.
  2. Talk about how you can encourage and inspire one another as you pursue different spiritual disciplines.
  3. Check out the You’ve Heard It Said podcast for more on the importance of spiritual disciplines, prayer, and reading the Bible.
  4. How comfortable does your LifeGroup feel praying together? Here’s a video of what it could look like to pray together as a group.
  5. Has your group ever fasted together? Consider picking a day or a few days to fast together and pray for God to give you opportunities to show His love to people who are far from Him.

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