First Things First - Life.Church Leaders

First Things First

by Amber Siany

First Things First for Your LifeGroup

First Things First is a pretty good way to live … unless you don’t know what that first thing is. If you’ve found yourself focusing more on what matters less, you’re not alone. Let’s discover how to put what’s important on top of our priority lists.

Get everything you need to prepare for your LifeGroup during this special message series running February 29 – March 9.

Talk It Over

The weekly Talk It Over guide has everything you need to lead your LifeGroup through a Christ-centered conversation about the most recent message. You can find it in the Life.Church App and at Or, you could get it in your inbox weekly.

Bible Plans for First Things First

If you haven’t tried the Plans with Friends feature in the YouVersion Bible App yet, this is the week to start. Just find a great Bible Plan like This Is What We Do, choose the “With Friends” option, and then invite everyone in your LifeGroup to read along and comment each day.

There’s even a Bible Plan based off Robert Morris’ new book, Beyond Blessed.

First Things First LifeGroup Tips

  1. Let go of stress, anxiety, and worry. If you or anyone in your group is struggling, take the time to find the help you need or to encourage them to find help.
  2. Prioritize what’s important. If someone’s child has a game schedule that interferes with group, maybe your LifeGroup should be out at the baseball field that week. If someone is starting to feel burned out, remind them what a relief LifeGroup can be. Life can get busy, but make sure you make time for what’s really important.
  3. Stop comparing. Comparison is a trick of the enemy. Not every LifeGroup is the same. Do what works for you and what works for your group.
  4. Don’t be afraid to try something new. Spice things up every once in a while. Don’t let things get stagnant in LifeGroup. Shake things up a bit.
  5. Try serving at your campus together. This can be a great next step to take together as a group, and the church definitely needs each and every one of your gifts and talents.

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