Find Financial Peace With Your LifeGroup - Life.Church Leaders

Find Financial Peace With Your LifeGroup

by Jason

Think about your LifeGroup for a second. Bring to mind the people you’re mentoring. Are they all totally free of financial stress, joyfully giving, and set for their future? There’s a good chance the answer is no, not all of them. In fact, if you’re like most people, finances probably make you feel a little uneasy yourself. As part of the Making Change series, Pastor Craig is inviting all LifeGroups to go through either the Financial Peace University or Legacy LifeGroup studies together.

To take the next steps to lead, or join one of these groups, talk with your community leader, LifeGroups & LifeMissions Pastor, or a volunteer in your campus lobby. As usual, you can get all the Making Change series resources here. Here’s a video from Pastor Craig for you.

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