Everybody, Always - Life.Church Leaders

Everybody, Always

by admin

Everybody, Always for Your LifeGroup

It’s easy to say, but hard to do: love everyone. Even the ones who test your patience. Is there a way to go beyond “putting up” with people who rub us the wrong way? Can we actually love them without worry, doubt, or insecurity? Discover how to take the first step toward loving everybody, always.

Here’s everything you need for your LifeGroup during this new series running June 30-July 2.

Talk It Over

The idea of always loving everybody sounds great, doesn’t it? But it’s not easy. The Talk It Over guide will help you start the right conversation with your group to get to the actions that make it possible. You can find it in the Life.Church App and at www.life.church/talkitover. Or, maybe you just want to get it in your inbox weekly.

Everybody, Always Bible Plan

You’re going to love this message, and the Bible Plan is a really great way to bring its truth into your week. We hope you’ll read it together as a LifeGroup.

5 Everybody, Always LifeGroup Ideas

  1. Plan with your LifeGroup how you can get involved with a local partner in your community.
  2. Want to go deeper into what you have heard? If you haven’t yet, take your group through the How to Neighbor LifeGroup Discussion Videos
  3. Make sure you get a good break this summer. It’s okay to take off a week or more from LifeGroup to get away, rest, and come back refreshed.
  4. Ask your group this question: what can we do as a LifeGroup in the next few weeks to show Jesus’ love to people?
  5. Read about how this LifeGroup helped save a broken marriage.

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