Blood and Thunder - Life.Church Leaders

Blood and Thunder

by admin

Know The Series

What does it take to see a move of God? Let’s see what’s possible when we add our sweat, tears, and blood to the power from above. Join us for a new series, Blood and Thunder, this week at Life.Church! Get your LifeGroup ready for this series running November 18-27.

Talk It Over

Whether you’re a veteran or a total noob, we’ve got you covered. The Talk It Over guide is the perfect place to find more key points, Scriptures, and follow-up questions for LifeGroup this week. The freshest version is always available at Or better yet, get it in your inbox weekly.

What’s Cool About Thanksgiving?

This series lands right around Thanksgiving in the United States. Here’s something cool about this holiday. It puts “thanks” and “giving” together. This combo allows our hearts, perspectives, and attitudes to change. If you need some of that, you’ll love this Thanksgiving post.

5 Blood and Thunder LifeGroup Ideas

  1. Totally start a Friendsgiving tradition with your LifeGroup. It doesn’t have to be a Pinterest frenzy with multiple turkeys and all that. Even if you just order pizza, play some board games, and say what you’re thankful for, try it out!
  2. Try out some irrational generosity as a LifeGroup. Ask your group this question: “What can we do for others that feels like it’s beyond our means, outside our comfort zones, and something Jesus would be thankful for?”
  3. Your LifeGroup is looking for these four things in a leader, and we think you have what it takes.
  4. Practice your listening skills the next few weeks. Try to wait longer before you fill silence. Allow others in the group to carry the conversation. Here are 7 ways to listen even better than you do.
  5. Look for ways your group can get involved in your community. It’s really easy to find local partners here.

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