March 1, 2022
Listed below are videos showing the motions for each song we use during Crosstown worship time.
April 1, 2021
What is it that causes real, transformative life change? Is it just hearing information? Or is it something deeper?
March 31, 2021
Sometimes life can leave us feeling like a mess. The kind of mess that’s just too complicated to figure out. But it’s possible to start fresh.
March 22, 2021
The best part of being a Switch leader is connecting with students to show them how much Jesus loves them regardless of their background, social skills,
March 17, 2021
Hello, Switch Support Leader. My name is Abigail. I’m a few years out of high school now, but I can still vividly remember my first night at Switch.
Hello, peer mentor! I’m Abigail. My younger brother is a senior in high school and checks every box for your typical teenager. He loves listening to his
March 7, 2021
In the middle of financial difficulties, it can be easy to lose hope. But long-term financial freedom is within reach. In this series, we’ll discover
February 9, 2021
Most of life’s battles are won or lost in the mind. So, how do we start winning more of those battles?
February 8, 2021
Our thoughts are powerful. They change our perspective, impact our decisions, and influence our habits. But what do we do when we become trapped by our