At the Movies 2017 - Life.Church Leaders

At the Movies 2017

by admin

Know The Series

Powerful truths live in some of our favorite movie moments. During At the Movies, you’re invited to explore them with us. This new series starts in July, and you can only experience it at a Life.Church location or at Church Online! Start planning LifeGroup for this new series running July 8 through July 31.

Talk It Over

Use the Talk It Over guide and you’ll have your group wondering if you’re some kind of LifeGroup superhero. Seriously, every conversation superpower lies within this powerful document! Destroy the sinister villain, Awkard Silence, at Or, get the Talk It Over emailed to you weekly.

Start a Bible Binge

Does anyone in your group ever talk about wanting to read the Bible more? Do you ever wish you read the Bible because you love it, not because you feel like you’re supposed to? Start the This I Know Bible Plan and find 7 Motivations For Your Bible Habit.

5 Show-Stopping LifeGroup Ideas

  1. Summer is a busy season. Have some fun together. Watch some (or all!) of the At the Movies movies with your LifeGroup.
  2. When you gather, do something themed with each week’s movie. Dress up, eat something from the movie, play movie trivia to break the ice, or meet somewhere reminiscent of the movie location.
  3. Keep your eyes glued to where new movie-themed practical and spiritual help will be posted regularly throughout the series.
  4. Go to a movie together. Then hang out after and do your best “Pastor Craig” impression as you discuss the deeper meanings in the movie.
  5. Each week, ask a different couple to lead through your conversation and share how they personally connected with the movie and Pastor Craig’s message.

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